
Are you an owner?

Alquiler de apartamento

We ensure a fixed monthly income, guaranteeing that the apartment is always in the best hands. 

Gestión integral

We guarantee an increase in profits while you gain in security and peace of mind by being left out of any operational action. 

Holplace connection

Publish your property on HOLPLACE and you will connect with the best platforms on the market, change your availability and prices instantly. Your reservations will skyrocket!

Servicios adicionales y publicación de anuncio

Are you an external owner? Check out all our additional services We will help you manage your apartment in an easier way! 

How we work?



Do you have a property and need help? Contact us and we will inform you of what we can do for you. 


We made an appoiment

We want to meet you and your apartment! We will tell you how to get the maximum profitability. 


We start to work

We analyze the service that best suits your needs and we get to work. 


Tracking your home

Don't worry! We have a team that supervises your home so that it is always perfect. 

Maximum profitability

We offer different services for you to choose the one that best suits your needs. Always with maximum profitability! 

Quality of service

The keys that guarantee Holplace's success are quality and excellence from start to finish. Our biggest goal is your satisfaction! 

Reserve increase

We work with different national, international and own platforms to position your home and increase reserves. 

We take care of your home like ours

In Holplace we offer quality tourist and seasonal apartment management services in Spain. If you have a property and are thinking of renting it, we have different management models so you don't have to worry about anything. Count on us! 

Maximum profitability guaranteed

We do everything for you from beginning to end! We get the maximum profitability but always protecting your home like ours. 

Your happiness is ours

We have a team that pampers all the details to have an impeccable management service. There is nothing that makes us happier than our owners and tenants are satisfied. 

Some of our partners:

Logo Airbnb Logo Booking Logo Tripadvisor Logo Homeaway Logo Doin Logo Agoda Logo edreams Logo expedia Logo hoteles.com Logo trivago Logo atrapalo Logo vibbo Logo rumbo Logo Egencia Logo atraveo